
Gameweek coming up

I Sweden we have something called "the national gameweek"
organised by SVEROK (SVEriges Roll- Och Konfliktspels förbund (=SWEdens Roleplaying- And Conflictgames society))
which basically means that all over the country gaming associations are holding public events to promote gaming and recruit new members as well as getting the hobby out in medias etc.
This year it's week 44 (27th of October to 2nd of November)
and I'll be holding MtG events, UFS events and more for the anime club (which is also a gaming association) and tomorrow we will have a planning meeting ^_^

Today I played some Resident Evil Roleplaying game again :D
went quite good and it was really fun to get back to that character ^_^
on the anime front not much has happened since I've been afk for most of the day, I did however get to try out my new magic deck with satisfactory results xD
also made some modifications on my UFS deck... haven't gotten to try it out yet though >.<
anyhow I've forgotten where I was going with this post... so I'll just go to sleep now xD

comments are always welcome :P

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