

I guess it's a good idea to start off with an introduction:
Well, I'm an otaku (nerd/geek) from Sweden known as "Jensling".
I'm writing this blog so that I can vent on different stuff that's happening, as well as to rant about being an otaku in Sweden.
The things that I nerd the most about are anime, manga, many different forms of gaming, and litterature.
Recently I graduated from upper secondary school (last friday).
Which means that I'm currently a NEET (Not currently engaged in Employment, Education or Training) :'(
meh, at least i'm not a hikikomori :D


NomadicWriter said...

NEET's are kool!
can't wait to read more of your blog!

Jensling said...

thanks :D
kool??? well, I still hope to get out of it asap :P (need the money provided from working)

Unknown said...

please, keep this blog active and welcome to the blogging world

Jensling said...

Well, during my NEET time I should be able to atleast :P (not much stopping me)
and thank you ^^