
Just finished watching Dennou Coil TT_TT

well, as a NEET I do have free time :P so I thought I'd use it to catch up on my anime watching.
this night I finished Dennou Coil, and it was one of the most touching series I've ever watched.
Truly a BEUTIFUL end. Though unlike ani-rec Im not sure if I'd put the tag "family friendly" on it, due to later episodes... Early episodes are definitly family friendly, but I wouldn't show the last 10 or so to kids.
and as an example to how touching it is... I cried during the last episodes, and I almost can't remember the last time I cried before this...


NomadicWriter said...

^_^ thats cute, Its nice to see that guys can cry if the story is touching enough lol.

Jensling said...

Well, as a feminist I've never been fond of the whole "masculinity"/"femininity" issue anyway ^_^